In the Mahabharata, it’s mentioned that Vyasa bestowed the gift of “divya-drishti” or divine sight upon Sanjaya so that he could narrate the events of the Kurukshetra War to King Dhritarashtra. There are a few reasons and circumstances that led to this gift being granted:

  1. Dhritarashtra’s Request: King Dhritarashtra, who was blind, desired to witness the events of the war as they unfolded on the battlefield. He was anxious about the fate of his sons, the Kauravas, and wanted to know what was happening during the battle. However, his blindness prevented him from seeing these events himself.
  2. Sanjaya’s Virtue and Devotion: Sanjaya was a loyal and devoted charioteer to Dhritarashtra. He had served the king faithfully for a long time and was known for his righteousness and wisdom. Vyasa recognized Sanjaya’s devotion and virtuous character, making him a suitable recipient of this divine gift.
  3. Vyasa’s Blessing: Vyasa, being a sage with immense spiritual knowledge and powers, had the ability to bestow special boons and blessings. He understood the depth of Dhritarashtra’s desire to know the events of the war and the anxiety it was causing him. At the same time, Vyasa also recognized the importance of conveying the moral and philosophical teachings of the war to future generations through Sanjaya’s narration.
  4. Narrative Device: The bestowing of divine sight upon Sanjaya served as a narrative device within the epic. It allowed the audience, both in the time of the Mahabharata’s composition and in later generations, to experience the events of the war through Sanjaya’s eyes and ears. This perspective provided a means for conveying the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings and the broader moral and philosophical themes of the epic.

In summary, Vyasa gave the gift of divine sight to Sanjaya to fulfill Dhritarashtra’s desire to know the events of the war and to serve as a conduit for transmitting the epic’s teachings to both the characters within the story and the readers and listeners of the Mahabharata.

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