Feudalism was a social, economic, and political system that dominated medieval Europe, particularly from the 9th to the 15th century. It was a hierarchical system characterized by the exchange of land and loyalty in return for protection and service. Here’s a brief overview of how feudalism worked, when it started, and how it came to an end:

How Feudalism Worked:

  1. The King: At the top of the feudal hierarchy was the king or monarch. They owned all the land in the kingdom.
  2. Nobility: Just below the king were the nobles, including lords, barons, and dukes. They were granted parcels of land (fiefs) by the king in exchange for loyalty and military service. In times of war, nobles would raise armies from their land and fight on behalf of the king.
  3. Vassals: Nobles could, in turn, grant portions of their land to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. Vassals swore an oath of fealty to their lords and were expected to provide military support when needed.
  4. Peasants and Serfs: The majority of the population were peasants and serfs who worked the land. Serfs, in particular, were bound to the land and could not leave without their lord’s permission. They provided agricultural produce and labor in exchange for protection.
  5. Manorial System: Feudal society was organized around manors, which were self-sufficient agricultural estates. The lord’s manor included villages, farms, a manor house, and often a church.

When Feudalism Started:
Feudalism began to emerge in the early Middle Ages, around the 9th and 10th centuries, although its roots can be traced back to earlier periods. It developed as a response to the need for local security and order in a time of frequent invasions and turmoil, particularly after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

How Feudalism Ended:
Feudalism gradually declined and eventually came to an end for several reasons:

  1. Economic Changes: Over time, trade and commerce began to revive, leading to the growth of towns and a money-based economy. This weakened the agricultural focus of feudalism.
  2. Political Centralization: Strong monarchs and centralized states started to emerge in Europe. These monarchs sought to consolidate their power, often at the expense of the nobility. The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) between England and France, for example, contributed to the decline of feudalism.
  3. Black Death: The Black Death, a devastating pandemic in the mid-14th century, significantly reduced the population. This labor shortage led to demands for better wages and working conditions, weakening the traditional feudal labor system.
  4. Rise of Mercenaries: The use of mercenaries and standing armies by monarchs reduced the reliance on feudal lords for military support.
  5. Colonization: The exploration and colonization of new lands, particularly in the Americas, created new economic opportunities and disrupted the traditional feudal order.

By the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance, feudalism had largely given way to more centralized and economically diverse systems. It was replaced by the early modern period, with monarchies becoming more powerful and societies evolving towards capitalism and more modern forms of governance and economy.

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