Most Important Case Studies of Directing

Q1. Shenoy is the manager of the production department of Riders Ltd. Which is known for its electronic products. All products are manufactured under Shenoy’s guidance. His instructions initiate the various activities in the production departments. He is very clear and specific in issuing instructions to his subordinates to ensure the department’s smooth working. He oversees the method followed by the workers for the production of each item. He misses no opportunity to praise his subordinates for their good work. All his team members feel very happy and satisfied while working under him. He provides constant guidance to them in order to improve upon the quality and also encourages them to innovate and be more creative in their work.

Identify various elements of directing highlighted above by quoting the lines.

Ans. The various elements of directing mentioned in the above case are as follows:

(a) Communication: “he is very clear and specific in issuing instructions to his subordinates to ensure smooth working of the departments.”

(b) Supervision: “He oversees the method followed by the workers for the production of each item.”

(c) Motivation: “he misses no opportunity to praise his subordinates for their good work.”

(d) leadership: “he provides constant guidance to them in order to improve upon the quality and also encourage them to innovate and be more creative at their work.”

Q2. Huna is working in a company permanently. As per the job agreement she had to work for 8 hours a day and was free to work overtime. Huna worked overtime, due to which she fell ill and had to take leave from her work. No one showed concern and enquired about her health. She realized that she was fulfilling only some of her needs while some other needs remained to be fulfilled.

(a) By quoting the lines from the above para, identify the needs of Huna that she can fulfill.

(b) Also explain two other needs of Huna followed by the above needs which remain to be satisfied.

Ans. (a) The needs of Huna which she can fulfill:

(i) Physiological needs.

(ii) Safety/ Security needs.

‘Huna is working in a company permanently.’

(b) Social needs:

Esteem or Ego Needs.

Q3. The workers of ABC Ltd. Always try to show their inability when any new work is given to them. They are always unwilling to take up any kind of work. As a supervisor what functions will you perform to cope with the situation? Explain.

Ans. As a supervisor, I will perform the following functions to motivate the workers and guide their efforts and other resources to achieve the desired objectives:

(a) Ensuring predetermined performance of workers according to the standards by motivating workers to work effectively.

(b) providing on-the-job training to the workers to build an efficient team.

(c) Maintaining group unity and harmony among workers by solving their disputes.

(d) Enforcing rules and regulations of the enterprise among the subordinates to maintain discipline.

(e) Analyzing the work performed and giving feedback to the workers by suggesting the best ways and means of developing work skills.

Q4. Pramod was a supervisor at the ‘Annapurna Aata factory producing 200 quintals of data every day. His job was to make sure that the work went smoothly and that there was no interruption in production. He was a good leader who would give orders only after consulting his subordinates and working out the policies with the acceptance of the group.

Identify and describe the leadership style being adopted by Pramod.

Ans. Democratic leader style.

Q5. Rahim was working in an enterprise on a daily wage basis. It was difficult for him to fulfill the basic needs of his family. His daughter fell ill. He had no money for his daughter’s treatment. To meet the expenses of her treatment, he participated in a cycle race and won the prize money. The cycle company offered him a permanent pensionable job which he happily accepted.

(a) By quoting the lines from the above para identify the needs of Rahim that are satisfied by the offer of cycle company.

(b) Also, explain two other needs of Rahim followed by above that are still to be satisfied.

Ans. (a) The Needs of Rahim that are satisfied by the offer of the cycle company are Physiological Needs and Safety/ Security needs.

‘The cycle company offered him a permanent pensionable job.’

(b) The other needs followed by the above-stated needs that are still to be satisfied are:

(i) Social / Affiliation/ Belongingness Needs.

(ii) Esteem Needs

Q6. Give an example of how non-financial incentives may also involve monetary aspects.

Ans. If an individual gets a promotion, it involves payment of extra money.

Q7. Every month, McDonald’s displays the name of the employee on the achievement board who has performed the best. Which incentives are highlighted in the given example? Explain it.

Ans. Employee recognition programs (non-financial incentives).

Q8. In an organization employees always feel they are under stress. They take the least initiative and fear to express their problems before the manager. What leadership style does the manager follow?

Ans. Autocratic or authoritative leadership style.

Q9. Mr. Shenoy, Manager (HR) is appreciative of fresh ideas given by his subordinates. He frames policies only after consulting them. Which style of leadership is he following? Explain.

Ans. Democratic leadership style.

Q10. Mr. Aayush, the manager of a well-known electronics company, gives complete freedom to his subordinates who are developing the latest technology products in their fields. He avoids the use of power. He depends largely upon the group to establish its own goals and work out its own problems. Which style of leadership is he following? Explain.

Ans. Laissez- faire leadership style.

Q11. State the element of directing which helps in implementing the principle of scalar chain.

Ans. Communication.

Q12. Rahul and Harsh are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunchtime, Harsh informed Rahul that due to computerization, many people are going to be retrenched soon from the organization. Name which type of communication is this.

Ans. Informal communication.

Q13. Communication originally drafted in English has been poorly translated into Hindi. Name the type of barrier to effective communication and explain any other two barriers of this type.

Ans. Faulty translations.

Other two barriers under this type are:

(a) Badly expressed message

(b) Body language and gesture decoding

Q14. The workers always try to show their inability when any new work is given to them. They are always unwilling to take up any kind of work. Due to a sudden rise in demand, a firm wants to meet excess orders. The supervisor is finding it difficult to cope with the situation. What do you think the supervisor should do to handle the problem?

Ans. The supervisor should motivate the workers from the right perspective. He may apply ‘Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation’ to motivate the workers. He should try to find out the felt needs of the workers and offer them to fulfill the same if they do the required task.

He should also offer monetary and non-monetary incentives to them. These steps will enable him to get the work done.

Q15. In an organization, all the employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and confidential information being leaked out. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication?

Ans. In the given situation, the informal communication system is followed in the organization. The manager should adopt a system of formal communication to deal with the situation, where communication will take place following the chain of command through prescribed channels only. Therefore, employees cannot approach anyone for minor queries and problems. A formal communication system will ensure the confidentiality of information because communications are recorded and filed in the office by the responsible manager. Formal communication does not generate rumors.

Q16. Sunaina is an employee in a company whose physiological, safety, and social needs have already been fulfilled. Now tell how you will motivate her.

Ans. Considering Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation, Sunaina’s esteem and self-actualization needs will be fulfilled by turns. First, her esteem needs will be taken up. It will be seen that she gets due regard from her employees and other colleagues.

When her esteem needs are satisfied, an attempt will be made to fulfill her self-actualization needs. It will be seen that she gets opportunities to utilize her competence to the fullest.

Q17. Vaibhav and Kashyap are friends working in Sharma Ltd. As Production Manager and sales manager respectively. In an interdepartmental meeting, Vaibhav informed Kashyap about a change in the marketing policy of the company. Identify the type of communication used in the above example.

Ans. Formal communication

Q18. ‘Threatening’ and ‘Recognition’ are examples of which types of motivation. Name the element of the directing function under which-

(a) The superiors attempt to influence the behavior of people at work toward the realization of specified goals.

(b) The superiors assure the subordinates that their needs will be taken care of.

(c) The superior oversees the activities of their subordinates.

(d) The superiors share information with the subordinates to reach a common understanding.

Ans. Threatening – Negative Motivation

Recognition – Positive Motivation

(a) Leadership                  (b) Motivation

(c) Supervision                 (d) Communication

Q19. Nitin is working at the middle level in Oberoi Ltd. His superior, a top management personnel, sent a message for him which he received and well understood. Is the communication process complete? Give reason.

Ans. No, the communication process is not complete unless and until feedback is given to the superior. Feedback includes all those actions of the receiver indicating that he has received and understands the message of the sender. So, Nitin must respond to communication to improve its effectiveness, e.g., by giving a reply to a letter, giving reactions to the message, etc.

Q20. Sameer is working as a production manager in an organization. His subordinate Ahmad discussed with him a method of production that would reduce the cost of production. However, due to some domestic problems and Sameer’s mind being preoccupied, he is not in a position to understand the message. Ahmad was disappointed by this.

(a) identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) state the category of this communication barrier.

(c) Explain any other communication barrier of the same category.

Ans. (a) Lack of attention/ Poor listening

(b) Psychological/ Emotional barrier: Psychological barriers are related to the state of mind of both the sender and the receiver of communication.

(c) Premature Evaluation: This means deriving conclusions before the completion of the message. Sometimes receiver evaluates the meaning of the message before the sender completes the message. This type of evaluation may lead to failure of communication. Such premature evaluation may occur due to prejudice against the communicator.

Q21. Mr. Paras, production manager of Fashion Planet discusses with his staff about the new export order. All the staff members unanimously agree that all will work together to do overtime to complete the order and meet the deadline.  Identify and explain the leadership style being adopted by Mr. Paras.

Ans. Mr. Paras is following a democratic leadership style, in which a leader develops action plans and makes decisions in consultation with his subordinates. The democratic leader decentralizes authority and allows the subordinates to share his power. He encourages them to participate in decision-making. Leaders follow the majority opinion. He provides freedom of thinking and expression. He listens to the suggestions, grievances, and opinions of the employees.

Q22. A behavior study was done on a total of 200 employees of an organization. Group A (of 100 employees) appreciated the manager for their excellent work and initiated new ideas. All these employees were given the option of flexible working hours and were paid wages at a higher piece rate. On the other hand, Group B (of the remaining 100 employees) was criticized for their poor work performance. Their increments were stopped and they were paid wages at a lower piece rate.

(a) Identify and state the feature of motivation reflected above.

(b) What leadership style is followed by the manager? Justify your answer.

Ans. (a) Motivation can be either positive or negative.

(b) Autocratic leadership style

The leader’s following is based on the assumption that reward or punishment can be given depending upon the result.

Q23. In the company, Mr. Tushar conveys management ideas to the workers and brings worker’s problems to the notice of management. At what post does Mr. Tushar work in this company?

Ans. Mr. Tushar is a supervisor in the company as he acts as a link between workers and management.

Q24. Mr. Ashraf, the production Manager, and Mr. Prateek Marketing Manager of a toy manufacturing company are not on talking terms with each other because of a lack of faith. Because of that, they do not transfer complete information to each other.

Ans. (a) Communication

(b) Distrust (psychological barrier)

Q25. Identify and state the elements of directing highlighted in each statement:

(a) Mr. Rajiv a managing director declares a share in the profits to the managers for their contribution to increase the profits of the company.

(b) Mr. Divakar, a manager explains to a worker about operations to be carried out by him on the hi-tech machine.

(c) Mr. Tarun, a mining engineer explains about safety precautions to be followed while working in a coal mine.

(d) Mr. Rohit, a manager maintains good interpersonal relationships with all his subordinates and can influence their behavior.

Ans. (a) Motivation: it means the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals.

(b) Supervision: It means overseeing what is being done by subordinates and giving instructions to ensure optimum utilization of resources and achievement of work targets.

(c) Communication: it can be defined as a process of exchange of ideas, facts, feelings, etc., between or among two or more people to create common or mutual understanding.

(d) Leadership: It can be defined as the process of influencing the behavior of people by making them strive voluntarily towards the achievement of organizational goals.

Q26. Mr. Manav is the marketing manager of a company manufacturing readymade clothes. One day, in the morning, while leaving home he quarreled with a person in his neighborhood on some issue. That person is a criminal who could abuse his family members. Mr. Manav, on that day, is very worried and angry too on the behavior of the neighborhood person. On that day, a meeting was held by a team of marketing and design experts to ensure that whatever is produced is according to market demand and tastes and fashion of the customers. But Mr. Manav could not pay attention to the discussion between them.

(a) Identify and state the type of communication barriers highlighted in the above para by quoting the line.

(b) Explain any two barriers of the same category.

Ans. (a) Psychological barriers.

These are related to the state of mind of both sender and receiver of communication. For example, a worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of the message. ‘Mr. Manav was very worried and angry on that day, So he could not pay attention to the discussion in the meeting.’

(b) (i) Lack of attention

(ii) Loss by Transmission and Poor retention.

Q27. Employees of ‘Yes Ltd.’ Are happy and satisfied. They are loyal to the organization and feel secure. Identify the employee’s needs the organization has satisfied.

Ans. The organization has been successful in satisfying.

(a) Basic physiological needs

(b) Safety and security needs

(c) Social/ affiliation

Q28. Tanya, a manager always listens to the suggestions made by the subordinates before making decisions regarding marketing strategy. What leadership style does the manager possess?

Ans. Democratic leadership

Q29. Mr. Pragyn sits in his office and sends emails to all his subordinates regarding what to do. He also directs the way to do the assigned task. Identify the style of leadership Mr. Pragyun has adopted.

Ans. Autocratic leadership style.

Q30. Mr. Gurpreet holds a meeting with his subordinates every Monday morning to discuss the previous week’s work and also plan for the current week. He welcomes suggestions from his subordinates and provides them freedom to sort out day-to-day matters. Identify and describe the leadership style being adopted by Mr. Gurpreet.

Ans. Democratic leadership style.

Q31. Mayank is looking for a job where he can earn at least Rs. 10,000 to make his living going. Identify Maslow’s needs highlighted by this statement.

Ans. Basic physiological needs

Q32. Shivam was promoted to the post of ‘Area Sales Manager’ to recognize his efforts in the past. Identify Maslow’s needs that are satisfied by promoting Shivam to the post of Area Sales Manager.

Ans. Esteem needs

Q33. Mr. Joginder Malhotra, principal of ‘hamsabka Vidyalaya’ hosts Teachers Day dinner at his place every year. He invites all employees including the support staff for the dinner.

Identify Maslow’s hierarchy of needs being fulfilled above.

Ans. Social/ Affiliation/Belongingness needs.

Q34. Jivanshu Ltd. Gives a minimum annual rise of 10% in salary to all employees. It also ensures that all employees are insured against accidents.

Identify the needs that are satisfied above.

Ans. Safety/ Security needs.

Q35. G.S. Alag Ltd. Has a policy to advertise the higher position within the organization. It allows everyone interested to apply for the position.

Identify Maslow’s needs highlighted in the above statement.

Ans. Self- actualization needs.

Q36. During a meeting, Mr. Himesh, the Marketing Manager, addressed the problem of competitors’ pricing policy. In a meeting, the two executives were busy talking to each other about their plans for spending the upcoming holidays. The manager got distracted and forgot to inform the major change in the company’s pricing policy.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Lack of attention

(b) Psychological/ Emotional Barriers: Psychological barriers are related to the state of mind of both the sender and the receiver of communication.

Q37. Siddhart prefers to stay away from his boss. He is always scared that his boss will reject his suggestions.

(a) identify the communication barrier highlighted above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Unwillingness to communication

(b) Personal Barriers: These barriers are related to the personal factors of both the sender and the receiver of communication.

Q38. Vijay told his secretary to inform all department heads about the meeting today at 10:00 am in the conference room. She informed three department heads about the meeting timely. On her way, she met her friend and started talking to him and forgot to inform other department heads about the meeting.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

(c) Explain any other communication barrier of the same category.

Ans. (a) Loss by transmission and poor retention.

(b) Psychological Barriers: Psychological barriers are related to the state of mind of both the sender and the receiver of communication.

(c) Premature Evaluation.

Q39. Mr. Akshay, the sales Manager, takes suggestions from sales executives and uses them to prepare his presentation. In his presentation, he does not recognize or appreciate his sales executive. This disappoints them and they decide not to give any suggestions in future.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

(c) Explain any other communication barrier of the same category.

Ans. (a) Lack of proper incentives.

(b) Personal Barriers: These barriers are related to the personal factors of both the sender and the receiver of communication.

(c) Lack of confidence of superior in his subordinates.

Q40. Mr. Naman is working at the top level of the management of Pure Treatment Ltd. In Delhi. He is the team leader of the water treatment project. The project is acclaimed to be a huge success. He is proficient in Hindi, English, and Punjabi. He also has a working knowledge of Tamil. The company has received a new project in Chennai. The company decided to send him there to repeat the success story. However, due to lack of proficiency in Tamil, he is hesitant in freely expressing his opinions. He decides to first write the message in English and then translate it into Tamil. Despite this, he is not able to build a good rapport with the team.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

(c) Explain any other barrier of the same category.

Ans. (a) Faulty translation.

(b) Semantic Barrier: Semantic barriers are concerned with problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of message into words or expressions.

(c) Badly Expressed Message.

Q42. Nikhil is the sales head of Sargam Electronics. He has a team of nine people reporting to him. During the quarter–end meeting with his managers, he had a clash of opinions with one of the managers over his underperformance which resulted in an aggressive argument. He was so disturbed with his behavior that he could not focus on matters being discussed by other managers. He left in the middle of the meeting and later realized that the reason for the underperformance of managers was that no targets were set for the managers. There were no set criteria to evaluate their performance. He then laid down the standards expected of each manager and decided to conduct quarterly evaluation meetings. All the managers were informed about the targets set for them. In the next evaluation meeting, each manager presented a report on targets achieved along with the reason for underperformance, if any.

(a) Identify the category of communication barrier highlighted in the above case.

(b) Explain any two types of this category.

Ans. (a) Psychological barriers

(b) (i) Lack of Attention

(ii) Distrust

Q43. Mr. Lashay Wadhwa after completing his studies for an MBA was appointed to the production Department of Kapoor Ltd. Soon after his appointment, the company placed a problem before him. The company said that most of its employees did not appear to be happy and that he should do research on this problem and give his suggestions to them. Mr. Wadhwa interacted with hundreds of employees of the company and tried to find out why were they not happy. In the course of his interaction with the people, he tried to know their expectations of the company. About 20% of people told him that they were happy with the company. The remaining 80% of people stated different reasons for their not being happy. About 80% of them said that they were never consulted regarding any of the decisions of the company; every decision was imposed upon them. After doing a complete analysis, Mr. Wadhwa told the company that the people who were working as managers would have to change their leadership style.

Identify and explain the leadership style being often used by the company in the above case.

Ans. Autocratic leadership

Q44. Mr. Divyansh takes a road trip and gets thirsty then he stops somewhere and gets a drink. Identify and explain the need of Mr. Divyansh that is satisfied in the given statement.

Ans. Basic physiological need.

Q45. ‘People look both ways before crossing the street and if they don’t look before they don’t feel safe.’ Name and explain the need which is highlighted in the given statement.

Ans. Safety/ security needs.

Q46. Savindar a teacher in the school generally for 3-7 minutes at the beginning and end of class, shares a time with students where empathy is defined, discussed, and brought to life. Identify and explain which type of need is being satisfied for students.

Ans. Social need

Q47. Nidhi is a teacher at the ITL Public School, in Delhi. She always congratulates students privately when they perform excellently. Identify and explain which of Maslow’s needs is being satisfied for students.

Ans. Esteem needs.

Q48. Kirti a teacher in the school always ensures that her teaching environment is free from emotional bullying. Which type of needs are being satisfied for students? Explain

Ans. Safety/ security needs.

Q49. A teacher gives a ‘Star of the Week’ award to a student by placing his/her name on the bullet board. This award is given to a student who performs well in academics, disciplined, punctual, attentive, regular, sharing, caring, and confident. Identify and explain which type of need is reflected in the above statement.

Ans. Esteem needs.

Q50. Prince, a manager always listens to the suggestions made by the subordinates before taking personnel policy decisions. What leadership style does the manager possess? Explain.

Ans. Democratic leadership.

Q51. There are some barriers in communication that are concerned with the encoding and decoding of messages. State any three such barriers.

Ans. Semantic barriers.

Q52. There are some barriers in communication that are concerned with the state of mind of both the sender and receiver. State any three such barriers.

Ans. Psychological barriers.

Q53. Some communication barriers are concerned with organizational structure and rules and regulations. State any three such barriers.

Ans. Organizational barriers.

Q54. Blue Birds Ltd. Offers its employees the issue of shares at a price that is less than the market price.

(a) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

(b) Explain one more incentive of the same category.

Ans. (a) Co- partnership

Q55. Ayesha Ltd. Assured their employees that in spite of recession, no workers will be retrenched from the job.

(a) Name and explain the type of incentive offered to the employees.

(b) Explain one more incentive of the same category.

Ans. (a) Job security

Q56.Jaideep recently joined as the Managing Director of ‘Tivori Ltd.’ An apparel designing company. He observed that the company had several experienced fashion designers on its payroll. They regularly offered useful suggestions which were neither appreciated nor rewarded by the company. Instead, the company outsourced its services to some renowned fashion designers and paid them good compensation for their services. Because of this the employees felt disheartened and stopped giving useful suggestions.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

(c) Explain any other communication barrier of the same category.

Ans. (a) Lack of proper incentives.

(b) Personal Barriers: These barriers are related to the personal factors of both the sender and the receiver communication.

(c) Fear of challenge to authority.

Q57Sultan was a regional Manager in ‘Homely Products Ltd., for the last eight years. On the retirement of the Marketing Manager, Sultan applied for the same post because he was extremely ambitious and had dedicated all his energies to obtaining the post of Marketing Manager. However, the top management decided to fill the position by selecting a better person from outside the company. Because of this Sultan was heartbroken and his performance declined. When the new marketing Manager joined, one of his major problems was how to motivate and inspire Sultan to his former level of performance.

Suggest any three non-financial benefits that the new marketing manager may use to motivate Sultan.

Ans. The non-financial incentives that the new marketing manager may use to motivate Neha are:

(a) job enrichment

(b) Employee recognition

(c) Employee participation

(d) Employee empowerment

Q58. Mr. Anuj, a sales manager, achieved his sales targets one month in advance. His achievement was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was awarded to him by the CEO of the company.

(a) Name the type of incentive offered to the employees.

(b) What values can be generated among the workers by adopting this incentive?

Ans. (a) Employee recognition program

(b) Value Points



Sense of appreciation


Inspiration to other workers

Q59 In an organization, all employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone talking to each other and thus resulting in inefficiency in the office. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and leakage of confidential information. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication? What values are overlooked by the management in the above case?

Ans. The manager should emphasize formal communication

(a) Discipline

(b) Honesty

(c) Loyalty

Q60. Unity Ltd. An organization manufacturing generator. The marketing manager delegates the task to five sales representatives working under him. Among them, the three sales representatives were able to achieve their respective targets. As a result, the marketing manager talks to the CEO of the company to recognize the performance of the three sales representatives. The company decides to upgrade their cadre and their salary package also. Name and explain the element of directing function provided by the company to the three sales representatives for achieving their respective targets. What values does the company inculcate to the other two sales representatives?

Ans. Motivation

Value Points

(a) Commitment      (b) Hard work         (c) Responsibility        (d) Cooperation

Q61. Mr. Vaibhav is working as a production Manager at Aryan Ltd. His subordinates are mostly engineers and qualified technicians.

As a manager, he is very strict and does not listen to any suggestions or feedback given by his subordinates. He expects them to follow his instructions without any questions and does not allow them to take any initiative.

(a) Which leadership style is followed by Mr. Vaibhav?

(b) What values are being overlooked by Mr. Vaibhav? State any two such values.

Ans. (a) Autocratic leadership

(b) value point

Mutual respect

Concern for others


Democratic participation


Q62. Mohit Gupta is working with ‘Yellow Security Services Ltd.’ He is also recruiting security guards for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at short notice to various companies. The guards are recruited temporarily. The guards provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well known in his village for employing unskilled people.

(a) Name the sources of recruitment used by ‘Yellow Security Services Ltd.’

(b) State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment.

(c) Identify the need for ‘security Guards’ which is being fulfilled by the company as per Maslow’s need hierarchy.

(d) Identify any two values communicated to the society in the above-state case.

Ans. (a) External source of recruitment/ labour Contractor

(b) For disadvantages of an external source of recruitment

(c) Basic Physiological needs.

(d) Values communicated to the society are:

 (i) Creating employment opportunities

(ii) Ethical behavior

(iii) Respect for time.

Q63. Mr. Manav is working as a production manager at Rachna Ltd. His subordinates are mostly engineers and qualified technicians. As a manager, he is very strict and does not listen to any suggestions or feedback given by his subordinates. He expects them to follow his instructions without any questions and does not allow them to give suggestions.

(A) What leadership style does the manager follow?

(b) is such a leadership style beneficial for the company? Explain.

(c) State any one value being overlooked by him.

Ans. (a) Autocratic leadership

(b) This leadership style is effective in getting productivity in many situations like in a factory where the supervisor is responsible for production on time and has to ensure labor productivity. Quick decision-making is also facilitated

(c) Value overlooked

(i) Respect for other’s opinion

(ii) Initiative

Q64. Sumit is a human resource manager leading a team of 15 people. He knows that the duties and responsibilities of human resources employees are challenging. He knows to make his team work with a positive frame of mind he will have to set a personal example as a role model and influence their behavior and working style to increase the output of his team.

Identify and state the element of directing highlighted above.

Ans. Leadership

Q65. Shenoy has recently passed out from a well-known MBA college. A lot of money from his parents has been spent on paying for his education fees. Now he has applied for a job in a reputed company. His main concern is a good salary which will help him to satisfy the necessities of life.

Identify and explain the needs of Shenoy highlighted in the above case.

Ans. Basic Physiological needs.

Q66. Sagar has been working in an advertising company for the last 30 years. He has been one of the best employees of the company. Recently he came to know that he is going to have an increase in the pension he is going to get after retirement.

It is good news for him to satisfy one of his needs.

Identify and explain the needs highlighted above.

Ans. Safety/ Security needs.

Q67.SSL ltd. Has the policy of providing incentives in the form of monetary terms. It knows that to improve their needs. The company has come up with a plan to give more wages to workers who perform beyond a set standard. By the end of the year, the company has some other plans. It wants to give an incentive to the workers over and above the wages. The workers have started putting in more effort. The company has announced that after the month of March, it will be giving shares to the exceptional employees in the profits of the company. The company is hoping to get a good response from the employees from this announcement in terms of better performance and conditions.

(a) Identify the category of incentives highlighted in the above case.

(b) identify and state the types of these incentives highlighted in the above case by quoting the lines.

Ans. (a) Financial Incentives.

(b) (i) Productivity-linked wage incentives.

‘The company…… beyond a set standard.’

(ii) Banus

‘It wants…. Over and above the wages.’

(iii) Profit sharing.

‘The company has announced …. Profit of the company.’

Q68. ‘Satisfaction Ltd.’ Is a mobile manufacturing company. It has recently decided to make the job environment better by redefining the workplace for the employee by designing jobs that have a greater variety of content. This has increased the interest of employees in their work. This step of the company has earned a favorite mention in a national newspaper. The promotion policy of the company has now been made more interesting by allowing employees to grow to a higher level. Many of the employees had earlier complained of fear of getting fired early. The company has clarified its stance on this and told them not to worry by assuring them to get permanent after crossing the ad hoc period of six months. With everything going right for the company the top management has started devoting a lot of time to special features of the internal environment which will distinguish the company from other companies in the industry. The employees know that working in this company will only add to their good track record. The company assures the employees a higher ranking in the organizational setup, provided one works hard, with authority, rewards, recognition, and better perquisite. With such a decent effort the company is geared to ‘touch skies.’

Identify the five non-financial incentives highlighted in the above case by quoting the lines.

Ans. (a) Job enrichment

‘it has recently… greater variety of content.’

(b) Career advancement opportunity

‘The promotion policy….. higher level.

(c) Job security

‘The company has clarified ….. ad hoc period of six months.’

(d) Organizational climate

‘With everything going right….. companies in the industry.’

(e) Status

‘The company assures…… better perquisites.’

Q69. Kashish started working in a toy manufacturing company, He was very devoted to his job. However, whenever he used to communicate with his subordinates, they were unable to understand him. The reason behind this problem was that he himself was unsure about the concept he used to explain to the subordinates. This problem was taking place daily. One day he got an order from his senior to fly to London for a project meeting. There he started explaining his concept to others but there were many aspects that the team of London wanted to explain to him. He was more concerned about speaking than giving them time to speak their minds. This failed in the meeting which was very important for the company. When Kashish returned to his home town he was sad. In this hopelessness, he forgot to review the instructions he had given to his subordinates about a very important program to be organized back in his hometown. Kashish is facing problems related to communication effectiveness.

Identify and state the three measures to improve communication effectiveness that have been neglected by Kashish by quoting the lines.

Ans. (a) Clarity of the ideas before communication.

‘The reason …. To the subordinates.’

(b) Be a good listener.

‘He was more concerned ….. speaking their minds.

(c) Follow-up communication.

‘He forgot to review … home town.’

Q70. Kritika does not at all interact with her boss. The reason is she feels that if she talks more her boss may give her more work. She always tries to avoid her boss and unless and until she is called by him she rarely goes to his room.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Unwillingness to communicate

(b) Personal barrier

Q71. Sagar is working on a project at an overseas location with a world-renowned civil engineer. He is among the five people who are in the core team of the project. The world-renowned engineer, Mr. Lakshay who is also his boss rarely seeks advice from him. He thinks that Sagar lacks experience and needs to learn more.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) state the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Lack of confidence of superior in his subordinates

(b) Personal barrier.

Q72. Mr. Anurag who was the divisional head of a bank told one of his employees to collect cash from the branch. The employee was new so he took the whole cash to his home to bring it next day to the branch. When Mr. Anurag came to know about it he was very angry. He wanted him to deposit the cash in the other branch the same day which generally happened. Since the employee was new, he was unaware of this.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Unqualified assumption

(b) Semantic barrier.

Q73. In an organization, it so happens quite often that a message from the top management flows through various levels. Due to this successive passing of messages which are most of the times done orally. An important portion of the message is lost due to forgetfulness and the addition of new content by the successive passers of the message.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Loss by transmission and poor retention.

(b) Psychological barrier.

Q74. Gurleen is a higher-level manager. She is concerned about the conditions of workers in her organization. Every year she sends a message of greetings and help to them. She also invites suggestions from their side but there is no response. One day when she went to meet them, she found that they were against her and could not understand her messages. She now realized that it was due to the presence of various levels and employees that the message had to go through that it used to get altered.

(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) Complexity in organization structure

(b) Organizational barrier.

Q75. Mayank who was the branch head of a bank started a suggestion box system where the employees could drop their suggestions. Similarly, a complaint box was made in which people could drop their complaints without even mentioning their names. A meeting used to take place every week on Saturday to ensure proper communication among the employees so that they could make their points and suggestions openly. A few weeks ago, Mayank was transferred to a different branch. A new manager who is not dynamic and capable like Mayank is unable to use the system which was designed by Mayank like weekly meetings, suggestions box, etc. This has led to the creation of a gap in the communication in the branch between the manager and other employees.

(a) identify the communication barrier discussed above.

(b) State the category of this communication barrier.

Ans. (a) organizational facilities

(b) organizational barrier

Q76. Endeavour Ltd. Is a well-known company and lots of people who want to join this company are very happy as the company gives due recognition towards the work done by the employees and also displays the achievements of the employees on the notice board. They discussed how they came in contact with this company. Sachin said that he was introduced by the present Sales Manager (Mr. Ramesh).

Paras said that he had applied through the newspaper and was appointed as H. R. Manager.

Gurpreet said that he was neither related to any of the employees of the company nor there was any advertisement in the newspaper even then he was directly called from IIM Ahmedabad from where he was about to complete his MBA.

(a) Identify and explain the different sources through which the above persons were recruited.


(i) The above discussions indicate an important function of management. Name the function.

(ii) The manager function identified in part (i) follows a particular process, Explain the step of this process which is being discussed in the above para.

(b) Identify and state the incentive being referred to above.

Ans. (a) Sachin: Recommendations from present employees

Paras: Advertisement

Gurpreet: Campus Recruitment.


(i) Staffing

(ii) Recruitment

(b) Employee Recognition Programs.

Q77. “It is an element in the process of staffing under which the best person out of the prospective candidates can be chosen” In the staffing process, the management of GSA Ltd., has received recommendations from the Minister to select Mr. Dinesh who is a relative of the Minister. Ignoring the same, the management of GSA Ltd. has conducted all steps of this process fairly and appointed Mr. Sandeep with the provident fund, pension, etc.

(a) identify the elements of the process of staffing.

(b) Enumerate the steps of the element identified in (A) above.

(c) Identify the incentive being referred to above.

(d) Name the value emphasized by conducting all steps fairly in the process identified in (a) above.

Ans. (a) Selection

(b) Steps in the selection process:

(i) Preliminary screening

(ii) Selection of employment tests

(iii) Employment or selection interview.

(iv) Reference and background checks

(v) Selection decision

(vi) Medical examination

(vii) Job offers

(viii) Contract of employment

(c) Retirement benefits

(d) Honesty: By conducting the selection process fairly management of GSA Ltd. Showed honesty and unbiased behaviour towards society.

Q78.Rakshit Ltd. Has some vacant posts in their company. To fill the same, it adopted a process of identifying and choosing the best persons out of several prospective candidates for a job and for this purpose, the company conducted many steps such as preliminary screening, selection tests, medical examination, etc. It was also decided to provide the selected candidate with an incentive that is over and above the wages/ salary. Through these steps, it selected persons out of different states like Orrisa, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Kerala.

(a) In the above description one of the functions of management has been highlighted. Identify and explain that function.

(b) Name the aspect of the function of management considered above.

(c) Identify the incentive being referred to above.

(d) Identify the value being identified in the above description.

Ans. (a) Staffing.

(b) Selection

(c) Bonus

(d) Growth opportunity: By providing growth opportunities to people of different states.

Q79. “There are two sources for recruitment and in one of them, employees are vertically shifted to a higher position. “Mr. Vikram, an employee of Gurpreet Ltd. Has been vertically shifted from the post of Assistant General Manager to General Manager. Now he carries higher authority, responsibilities, position, and salary. He is given rewards, prestige, recognition, etc.

(a) Identify the source under which employees are vertically shifted to higher positions.

(b) Name the other source under which employees are horizontally moved.

(c) Identify and explain the incentive being provided to Mr. Vikram.

(d) Name the value emphasized by shifting Mr. Vikram from Assistant General Manager to General Manager

Ans. (a) Promotion

(b) Transfer

(c) Status

(d) Motivation: Employees work with full commitment and loyalty and remain satisfied with their jobs. They are motivated to improve their performance.

Q80. Mr. Aditya is a production manager of Gupta Sports Ltd. Is not able to communicate and provide guidance to the workers of a factory due to overload of the work. So, he decided to appoint Mr. Rishab who would be able to spend more time with the workers, Mr. Rishab also gave training to the employees in which the employees were made to work on the same equipment, materials, etc. as in a real workplace but away from the actual place of work.

(a) Identify the elements of directing that help Mr. Aditya reduce his workload.

(b) What role will the appointed person play?

(c) How come he will act as a link between management and workers?

(d) Identify the training method used in the above case.

Ans. (a) Supervision

(b) The appointed person will play the following role:

(i) He will maintain day-to-day contact and friendly relations with workers.

(ii) He will maintain group unity.

(iii) He will monitor the performance of workers.

(c) The supervisor communicates the objectives, policies, and decisions of management to workers. Similarly, he conveys workers’ ideas, suggestions, and problems to the top management.

(d) Vestibule training

Q81. Varun Limited announced an incentive of Rs. 8,000 to its employees who do not take leave in the most hectic time schedule like during Diwali time and show better performance. Since employees tend to take leave during this time, the chairman announced the above incentive to avoid delays in fulfilling the orders and ensuring smooth operations.

(a) Identify the category of incentive which was granted to employees.

(b) State the type of incentives highlighted in the case under the category of incentive identified in the above.

Ans. (a) Financial incentives

(b) Productivity-linked wage incentives

Q82. Gurpreet is the owner of an electronics showroom. He wants an experienced sales Manager and Accounts Manager For this he gives an advertisement. Thirty people apply for the job. He selects the two best persons out of several prospective candidates for a job. Mr. Gurpreet gives sales targets to the sales manager and assigns work to the accounts manager. The sales manager achieved his sales target one month in advance. His achievement was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was awarded to him by the owner of the showroom.

(a) Name the source of recruitment that is used by Mr. Gurpreet to fill the above posts by quoting the lines from the questions. Also, state any one advantage of using this source of recruitment.

(b) Which test during the selection process helps Mr. Gurpreet to measure the existing skills of the candidate?

(c) name the type of incentive awarded by Mr. Gurpreet to a sales manager.

(d) Which need of a sales manager according to Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation is satisfied by giving such type of incentives?

Ans. (a) External source of recruitment – ‘He wants an experienced Sales Manager and Accounts manager. For this, he gives an advertisement.’

(b) Trade test

(c) Employee recognition programs

(d) Esteem need

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