Introduction WHY DO PEOPLE WORK? Work plays an important role in our lives as individuals and as…
Microeconomics Practice Paper Introductory Microeconomics Q1. Since microeconomics splits up the entire economy into smaller parts for…
Q. What is meant by economic reforms ? Ans. By Economic Reforms, we mean a change in…
Industrial Development 1947 – 1990 At the time of independence, India had a weak industrial development base,…
Introduction to Indian economy On Aug 15, 1947, India gained freedom and finally, we were masters of…
Explain the British Rule In India – Systematic Exploitation of India. The various forms of exploitation by…
The Government Budget The government budget is an annual statement, showing item-wise estimated receipt and expenditure of…
National Income At Current Price (Nominal National Income)/ Nominal GDP • It refers to the money value…
Reserve Bank Of India FUNCTIONS OF RBI Where do Printing of Security Papers, Notes, and Minting of Do…
CBSE Class 12th Indian Economy Most Important Questions Q1) Why Despite abolition of Zamindari system, poverty continues…